mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
AGBeck Arbeitsgruppe Beck
AGBeckSHK SHKs der AG Beck
AGKetzer-ALICE ALICE Experiment Mailing List
AGKetzer-Analysis [no description available]
AGKetzer-COMPASS [no description available]
AGKetzer-GEM GEMs and other MPGDs
AGKetzer-Social [no description available]
AGThoma [no description available]
AGThoma-Panda [no description available]
AGThoma-PandaEMC [no description available]
B1 B1 Experiment Mailinglist
BGO-OD-Software [no description available]
Cascade Cascade Exzellenzinitiative
CB-DAQ CB DAQ technical mailinglist
CB-ELSA CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration Mailing List
Cb-explora-g4cb Explora und CBGeant Mailinglist
CB-Groupleaders CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration Groupleaders
CB-HISKP CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration - HISKP-Division
CB-Slowcontrol [no description available]
Cb-upgrade [no description available]
Cb-upgrade-bn [no description available]
CBsADC Crystal Barrel sADC Development
CBsADC-Meeting CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration - sADC Development Meetings
Cluster-alert [no description available]
Cluster4cluster Rechner Cluster Department Corporation List
Cyclotron [no description available]
Cyclotron-research [no description available]
E-maiers Maiers Ehemalige
Eine-test-liste [no description available]
FGAdmins Admins der Fachgruppe Physik / Astronomie
Group_kollath Gruppe Prof. Dr. Kollath
Gruppe.Maier Prof. Maier Mailing List
HISKP-Allusers HISKP announcement list
HISKP-CA-Users [no description available]
HISKP-Computing [no description available]
Hiskp-dozenten HISKP-Dozenten
HISKPHardware HISKP Hardware knowledge exchange meeting
Hiskptestlist [no description available]
HPC High Performance Cluster @ Uni-Bonn
Iac-lattice2020 [no description available]
Lasertracker [no description available]
Lattice2020 [no description available]
Lattice2022 [no description available]
Lattice4punch [no description available]
LHCB [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Mpraktikum Physikpraktikum für Nebenfächler - Organisationsassistenten
Mpraktikum-orga Physikpraktikum für Nebenfächler - Organisationsassistenten und Leitung
Mpraktikum-tutoren Physikpraktikum für Nebenfächler - Organisationsassistenten und Tutoren
Nebenfach [no description available]
Nebenfach-tutoren [no description available]
Numeriqs [no description available]
Open-Conf-Distrib Open Conf Distribution List
PaperSeminar Paper seminar HISKP
Prospects-Hadron-Physics [no description available]
PWAAthos2017all [no description available]
Studexp12 [no description available]
Support-lattice2020 [no description available]
Support-lattice2022 [no description available]
Test [no description available]
Theorie Theorie-Gruppe (ehemals ITKP)
Theorie-all [no description available]
Verbrauch [no description available]
Visa-lattice2020 [no description available]
Visa-lattice2022 [no description available]

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